2023 Website Design Trends You Need to Know

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Like every year, 2023 saw a new wave of trends in website designs. Some of these trends spawned because of the new technology that dropped by. But we also saw some old ideas making a comeback. Various types of websites took on different designs, defying the typical website design principles that had taken root in the web industry. The latest innovations and new tools brought about unique concepts in 2023, and we got to see quite a lot of them being incorporated into websites. Some of these designs don’t stick too close to the classic UX principles but still end up being effective. That just proves that there’s a lot of room for improvement in web design. Website design trends in 2023 were marked by motion UI, AI designs, and submersive worlds. Without further ado, let’s get into our list of 10 website design trends in 2023 that are likely to stay relevant in the coming years too.


1. Eclectic

This trend broke the website design principles as we know them. In website design, advice like “Keep it simple” and “Less is more” is one of the first things you learn to improve UX. The eclectic website design trend decided to defy those rules.

This year, we saw some very cluttered, funky designs that refused to stick to any theme. What makes eclectic designs so unique is that, counterintuitively, they are hard to get right. If done wrong, they look like a complete mess and nothing else.

But when done right, they leave little room for context and explanations. And that’s what makes them so attractive. Eclectic website designs are very expressive, even when they don’t necessarily say a lot. These designs usually rely on pictorial designs, which makes them very colourful and loud.

2. Nostalgic 90s

The good old 90s aesthetic made a comeback this year. The nostalgic website design trend doesn’t shy away from going all out. It has a bit of an amateurish, homely feel to it, which makes it a popular option for the new generation, as ironic as it may be.

For some techies, these website designs bring a load of nostalgia with them. For others, 90s website designs are a fresh idea.

Quite like the eclectic trend, 90s websites don’t hold back on adding seemingly random elements to the web page. This kind of website design takes a bit of time to swallow because there’s so much on a single page.

90s isn’t a very formal or business website trend, and it appeals more to pop culture and the demographic associated with it.

3. Minimalist

Where eclectic designs soared in 2023, so did minimalistic ones. As if to maintain balance, we saw some ultra-minimalistic website design approaches this year. Some of these designs relied solely on text, while others were all about a cover image and a headline.

Minimalistic designs can make it or break it. Sometimes, when you want to mute yourself a bit, a minimalistic approach works best. But at the same time, it can also help you go loud. In 2023, minimalistic design approaches were centred around text-based websites.

This design approach is especially good if you’re aiming for an accessible website. Minimalistic website design means an overall light-weight website, which couldn’t be more favourable for users and developers alike.

4. Typographical

Typographical websites played around with the text. Despite not relying on any other graphical element, this website design trend barely gives the impression that something is missing. The idea behind this trend is all about using typography and text to create interesting designs while also managing to say what you want at the same time.

This particular website design trend is quite resourceful. It does two things at once and saves space and time. One thing minimalistic websites might struggle with is avoiding a bland feeling. Typographical websites are basically the solution to that problem.

From an adventurous, huge font style and art to using horizontal and vertical text and overlaying text elements, typographical website design can be quite a charmer if done right.

Websites that have a lot of important things to bring to attention are especially likely to adopt this new and effective trend.

5. Geometric

Geometric designs remained as strong in 2023 as ever before. There’s a certain beauty in shapes, edges, and corners that humans simply can’t get rid of. And we got to see this pattern on websites too.

Geometric website designs can be seen everywhere. Geometric designs are simple, minimal, and never out of place. That’s what makes them so effective. They have a very clean and professional look, and this makes them go well with certain niches.

Games, sci-fi, technology, and futuristic designs can especially benefit from geometry. And indeed, we saw a rise in all these genres in 2023. This can be attributed to the advancement in AI in the past year that once sounded like the stuff of dreams.

From simplistic shapes to intricate geometric patterns, 2023 owned it all.

6. AR and VR Immersion

Augmented and virtual reality are cutting-edge tools that are one of the most powerful tools to boost UX. In 2023, we saw a rise in immersive-world website design and simulation. Incorporating augmented reality into websites piques user interest.

Immersive worlds don’t follow any specific patterns. These worlds are almost entirely reliant on graphics and animations. Sometimes they have real-world scenes incorporated into them too.

Where website designs are concerned, AR and VR aren’t fully implemented. This means users don’t actually get to explore like a video game, but websites have immersive elements that dive into a virtual world.

AR and VR website design is likely to soar higher in the coming years as it is a state-of-the-art technology that boosts user interaction.

7. Pastel

Good old pastel-style websites will still remain relevant in 2023. Built on the classic principles of simplicity and clean looks, pastel website designs entail a muted look with small, spaced-apart elements and simplistic navigation.

Pastel websites cater to a very wide audience, as they don’t usually have anything that the majority of users could be averse to. Where many other trends in website design were knocked out of the water in 2023, pastel website design maintained its place.

Pastel website design serves perfectly for niches that are laid-back. Law, medicine, and other subjects, the dryness of which cannot be measured on a Sahara scale, can’t really be jumpy or have very loud themes. It simply doesn’t go well with what they stand for.

For such genres, pastel website designs are the best, most simplistic, yet attractive way to go.

8. Scrapbook

Scrapbooks are a rising trend in 2023. Websites such as portfolio sites especially prefer this website design approach. Scrapbooks can be as loud as you want them to be. Alternatively, they can be as relaxing as it suits you.

The whole idea behind scrapbooks is to present your style in the best possible way. Scrapbook website design usually has a lot of pictures. But never generic pictures. Because these websites are meant to represent specific individuals or their businesses and not entire categories or niches, pictures are always relevant and original.

There’s an exception, of course. As we said, you can do your own thing with a scrapbook-style website, and that’s a factor that makes them popular among designers.

9. 3D Graphics

3D graphics and animations are another rising trend in website design in 2023. There’s been a huge surge in AI art in the past few years, and that attracts a lot of people. As such, there’s a good reason people should want to use AI art on their websites.

Animation is another key type of visual seen in 2023. With Motion UI becoming so popular, website design has changed quite a bit. Animation allows for a very coherent, clean look and makes navigation easier for users. This makes it a very effective website design element to incorporate.

3D graphics are another popular visual tool. 3D tools are good models for anything, and they add a simplistic yet innovative look to the website. This makes them a better option than using 2D images that come off as very static.

10. Cinematic

Cinematic website designs are one of the most beautiful website designs you’ll come across. But it takes a real artist to make good cinematic designs.

Once upon a time, such types of websites would have been considered too loud and specific to be considered good for UX. That isn’t the case in 2023. Cinematic website designs are on the rise.

Instead of targeting the entire Internet, web designers are now creating websites that are targeted at their specific audience. Catering to every taste isn’t the top priority in 2023, and that’s why cinematic website designs are becoming popular.

This design trend breathes life into static, somewhat dead pages. Cinematic websites aren’t completely in motion, like immersive worlds. They have moving elements like gifs, loops, or videos that move the air around the webpage and increase user interest.

Some Burning Questions

1. What is the web design trend for 2023?

The web design trend for 2023 is animation and immersive worlds. The latest trends in website design rely more on visuals and a dynamic, interactive design than static designs. The era of Web 3.0 is all about improving user interaction to invite interest and let the users immerse themselves in a virtual world where they can freely navigate their way through the website.

2. What types of design trends are expected in 2023?

2023 is all about breaking the norm and going for innovation. And this approach is powered by the latest innovations in technology. Bringing the latest tools, such as AI, motion UI, AR, and VR, into the design is how websites are expected to stay relevant in 2023 and beyond.

3. Is UX design still good in 2023?

Yes, it is. UX design is still relevant, and it will continue to be relevant even if new website design trends defy some of its laws. UX design is a vast study, and it can never be completely outdated or overruled by any trend. And since with every new study and innovation, the field of UX continues to expand, we can expect new theories and studies that will help website designs even more.



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